First Family Photo Together

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Carson is learning so much and it is so fun to see him develop!  This little boy who was off balance while walking when he first came home, is now running and climbing and jumping!  He is learning English quickly and can count to 10 and sing his ABCs (sort of--mommy can understand it anyway).  He loves to say his name: Carson Dorlens Hedlund and identifies himself as "Mama's Baby" or "Mama's Carson".  When he's really happy about something, he'll say, "Happy birthday Mama, E-I-E-I-O!"   He adores his big brother and sister and loves to do whatever they are doing.  When they go off to school, he does get upset that he doesn't get to go bye-bye too, so now when he goes to daycare two days weekly, we say that he is going to school to play, play, play.  Now he calls daycare "play-play-play" and he knows all the other children's names!  He loves it which is a huge relief for Mommy!  I'll try to upload more pictures soon!  He has grown 3 inches taller in 5 months!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Starting School

Caden and Cali started back to school this week and Carson started his "school" 2 days/week at daycare.  They are all doing well and we are working on a new routine and getting to bed on time!

I've joined the ranks of Facebook and am now posting more things and pictures there.  Thank you for following this journey with us.  We are so blessed and grateful to have Carson home with us!

Monday, August 13, 2012


We had a lot of fun at this fountain park in Burnsville until it starting pouring rain on us!  Carson absolutely LOVES the water!

Friday, July 27, 2012


We spent a lot of time at the baseball fields this summer with Caden's team.  Carson had fun making some new friends and running around!

We were able to go to the airport to greet 3 sweet girls home from the orphanage that Carson came from.  It was fun to see them come home too!  Carson was a little unsure and quiet, probably trying to make sense of what was going on.

Overall, we are doing well!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We ventured up to Thief River Falls last weekend to spend time with Ryan's dad and to celebrate Father's Day.  We spent a day fishing at Lake of the Woods.  This was a BIG trip for Carson -- 6 hours in the car one way, then the next day another 1.5 hours to the lake, first time wearing a life jacket, first time in a boat, first time since we've been home that we slept away from home, first time eating Swedish pancakes made by Grandpa Kenny, then another long trip home !  Overall, he did great!  Just before we left to go to the lake, Kenny's neighbor stopped us outside and said her friend was visiting who could take great pictures.  Since we haven't had a true family photo with all 5 of us yet, this was a great opportunity.  However, we were dressed for a day at the lake and I had literally just got Carson up from sleeping and put on his clothers 10 minutes earlier, he was still exhausted from the long day prior!  He still had some sleep lines on his face!  In Haiti, they have the children say "spaghetti!" for photos, so now that's what we say when we take pictures :)

Happy Father's Day to the great dads in our life:  Ryan-Papa-Daddy and Grandpa Kenny (Ryan's dad) and Grandpa Richard (Elizabeth's stepdad) and Elizabeth's dad, who is no longer with us, Grandpa Greg -- we miss you dearly!  Thank you Dads for all that you do, we love you!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Carson LOVES splashing in the pool!  He doesn't like to sit down in the water (not even in the bath tub) but he certainly doesn't mind -- and even enjoys -- getting splashed in the face!

We spent a day at Grandma and Grandpa's and Carson loved playing with his cousin Lucy.  She didn't know what to do with all of his excitement :) but she did help wipe the water from his face.  Her daddy is having a follow up MRI today to check his brain for any possible recurrence of brain cancer.  Please pray for him and his wife Amanda and Lucy.  Thank you!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Busy days!

Mama is very busy these days with Carson.  He demands full attention and is exploring everything!  He has learned to climb up and down the stairs and is repeating everything in English.  Sometimes the communication barrier makes things challenging, but he is learning so much so quickly!   He loves helping to wake up his brother and sister in the morning and greets them after school with big smiles and jumping excitement.

We went to the adoption clinic at the U of M-Fairview Children's Hospital yesterday and Carson did great!  I would have to say that it was the best doctor appointment I've ever been to!  The staff and providers were wonderful.  He had to have 3 pokes (2 tries for bloodwork and 1 for a mantoux) but he was a trooper and they are well prepared to do lab tests.  He even provided a fresh poopy diaper at the appropriate time so that we could also get the stool samples for several "bugs" that he may have brought home from Haiti. 

Time to go... as I write this he is now pulling at my arm and leg trying to get my attention for something.   Orevwa!!